Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 9

Charlie: Not really J-Dog: One time when he went to the studio he found shrooms there. That made him happy but when he took them he fell into depression and from that became this very weird song.  Charlie: Yes, exactly, haha. No, Bullet was one of my ol- der songs which I‘ve written before Hollywood Undead even existed. At first I wan- ted to play it with the older band but in the end, it came out with this one.  looks cool. At first, we were even making them but now we just only crea- te the design.    If you could change one of your songs, which one wo- uld it be?  J-Dog: Change? I would change the Bullet. The song is just too. Charlie: ...too good. J-Dog: Exactly it‘s too good,  now I would make it worse  And which one is your favo- rite? J-Dog & Charlie: Bullet. Is there some story behind it?  What about your tattoos, which one was the first?  J-Dog: I think it was this one. It‘s a gas mask. I was once a collector of gas masks from WW1 and WW2 so I got a tattoo of a one. Charlie: I don‘t even know. I‘ve forgotten which one it was. Which one is your favorite?  Charlie: I love every fucking one of them. J-Dog: I don‘t like any of them. As you get older you start to hate all of them and they mean nothing to you anymore. But Charlie has a favorite tattoo. Charlie: No, they are all fake. Before each concert, I have to stick them on my- self again, haha. Thank you! 7