Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 8

You have played for quite a while now. Do you even feel nervous before a concert?  Charlie:  I was born to do this. J-Dog: No, not nervous at all. We‘ve already played so many times it feels na- tural to me so we just jump on the stage and play. This is not your first visit to Slovakia... Charlie: No, this is our se- cond time here. J-Dog:  Last year we played on Topfest in Pieštany, but we didn‘ t have any time to look around. I just remem- ber there have been lots of mountains around.  Charlie: It has been that kind of an old school town. J-Dog: But yesterday we had a Slovak dinner. Sausa- ges with something. It tas- ted really good.  Isn‘t it tiresome going around concerts, playing constantly?  Charlie: Drink and play. But it‘s fun. J-Dog: No one from Slova- kia would come to a con- cert to California ad no one from California would come to Slovakia for a con- cert. It‘s tiresome but we are glad to do it. Charlie: But this summer we don‘ t have many con- 6 certs. We will pay more at- tention to new projects. Does it happen outside  America as well that people recognize you in public? J-Dog: Rarely, on concerts we usually have masks and not many people know our faces. But that is perfect. Do the masks have any spe- cial meaning? Charlie: Firstly it means we are fucking retarded. Fore- ver. J-Dog: Yes, haha. We‘ve tried it one time and from then on it kind of stuck with us. It doesn‘ t have any deeper meaning, it just