Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 7

their promise. This night has become one of the best ones of many fans. 0:06 am: After the concert the party is not over yet. some people are in a hurry to catch the late night tra- ins or buses. Others chose to stay in Bratislava a lit- tle longer. One of the city transport buses became a party bus and during the way to the train station, people kept singing songs not only from the concert. I have my respect for the bus driver that he had tole- rated it. 10:41 pm: The band has just made a dream come true to one of their fans who could enjoy the song Comin‘ in hot live on sta- ge.  Hollywood Undead be- came for a few moments a seven-member group with their new bassist - Dave! 10:58 pm: They became a six-member band again and we are slowly coming to an end of their night at the Refinery Gallery. They are playing hits like Eve- rywhere I go and Hear me now, which can‘ t be absent on any concert. Now we can say that they didn‘ t di- sappoint and they kept Hey, how are you?  J-Dog: Good, the weather is nice. Today we visited Devín, it‘s amazing. The day before you played in Vien, how was it? How‘s the tour going? J-Dog: Vien is beautiful, I really liked it there. Charlie Scene: We had one free day there. After the party, I could finally get some proper sleep. The tour is great so far. Our today‘s concert is sold out, they told us that it‘s been sold out pretty quickly. We will probably come here again sometime. 5