Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 10

Interv iew: Konfl ikt Our next interview is with a Slovak punk-rock band Konflikt. Even if the name means conflict, the band itself isn’t conflictive at all. To this day they have been on the music scene for 25 years. They have had concerts in other countries aside from Slo- vakia and Czech republic like Germany, England and even in south Amer- ica. The members of the band will tell you more about themselves in the next few lines. How did you come up with the name?  Jury: We‘ve created the name a long time ago. We wanted the name to be something that would mean the same thing in every language and it’s easy to remember, mainly because we play all around the world. At first, we called ourselves ‘’Konflik A”, but then we got rid of the “A” because there were problems with pronounc- ing it in other countries. In some cases someone skipped the “A” and said “Konflikta” or in another 8 case, someone else said “Konfliktika”. In the end, we got rid of the “A” and that’s how we became Konflikt. As you’ve already men- tioned earlier you play all over the world, what is dif- ferent from  an audience in those countries? Jury: It’s different in oth- er countries aside from Czechoslovakia, because in other countries the au- dience doesn’t understand what we sing about unless they translate it. But it’s nice that everywhere in any state people still en- joy our music and they try to phonetically sing our songs. They sing along with us like this even in Russia, Hungary, Germa- ny and even in England or south America where we have played as well. How did the collaboration on a song “Janíčko Janko” with Arzen  started? Jury: Arzen, they are old friends. Since Pali and Vic- tor are from Žilina, we got to know each other a long time ago. It was Dušan