Let’s get into the next
episode of the Jukebox
and talk about some stuff! softer. I will give 8 out of
10 points to your today’s
BMTH – Don‘ t Go
The first thing you chose
is a metal band from
England. For those who
don’t know, this band was
founded in 2004 in Shef-
field. At first, they played
deathcore but then they
changed it into metalcore.
Person who actually helped
to create a name for this
band was Jack Sparrow
when he said: ‘‘Bring me
the horizon.‘‘ The song
is from album There Is a
Hell, Believe Me, I’ve Seen
It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s
Keep It a Secret, from
2010. The song has a text
that is really dark and it is
inspired by actual events.
It’s a story that happened
in 2004 when a group of
teenagers attacked and
killed a 17 years old boy
in a forest with a scythe.
The music in this song
doesn’t represent vio-
lence at all and also we
can hear women’s vocals in
the background that add
to the whole atmosphere
and makes the song much BFMV – Tears don’t fall
This group was formed
in 2003 and at first they
played cover songs of Me-
tallica and Nirvana, but
they realised that creating
their own music is some-
thing completely else.
They were becoming more
popular in 2004 after re-
leasing their first EP with
a simple title Bullet For My
Valentine, supported by
their first music video to a
song ‘Hand of Blood’.
A song ‘Tears don’t fall’ is
quite great song. At the
beginning it is pretty slow,
but after hall of the piece
they make it sound core
and the solo part is amaz-
ing. The lyrics are about a
woman, like always. And
again some love, some
splitting up, some tears,
something broken.
This song was awarded in
2006 by Kerrang! In cate-
gory ‘Best UK Single’.
AA – The Black
I don’t know why but today
we only have here Eng-