lishmen – core. This group
calls themselves Asking
Alexandria and they were
founded in 2008 in York.
The music style is defined
as screamo or metalcore.
The song comes from the
new album The Black. It
was released on 25.3.2016
by Sumerian records and it
was already nominated by
Kerrang as the best album
of the year.
I must admit that I have
never been listening to AA,
although I really like this
song. The guy did an amaz-
ing growl at the drop of a
hat and also scream and
pure vocals. It’s not even
worth it to talk about the
lyrics because it’s yet again
about women. He is in de-
pression again, everything
is bleeding, his psyche is
destroyed. Tuesdays and
Thursdays at the doctor.
Dishes are unwashed, the
women don’t give a shit
about it and he doesn’t
know who will take care of
him. Simple as that.
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