After a while, the band
started to work on their
first EP named Cry for the
Moon. In this album they
also included a chamber
string orchestra and mixed
choir. (two men, two wom-
en). EP is successful and
the band is signing a re-
cord contract with Trans-
missions records. After
that, they are changing
their band name to the one
we know today as Epica.
Big things are about to
happen in Norway as a new
band Sirenia appears on
the music scene. Its found-
er is a former member of
the band Tristanie Morten
Veland. After a series of
auditions, the band finally
chooses their new sing-
er who is a French wom-
an Fabienne Gondamin.
Along with her, the band
launches their debut al-
bum At Sixes and Sevens.
This album is the only one
with Fabienne as the sing-
The next year 2003 brings
us several new bands in the
symphonic metal scene.
A new band Xandria with
a charismatic lead singer
Lisa Middlehauve appears
in Germany. Their debut