Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 18

Kill the Sun wasn’t that successful as it has been predicted since it got to 98th place in German top 100 albums. This album contains some nowadays well-known songs such as “Mermaids” or the title song “Kill the sun”. A new band which is an iconic band nowadays, called Evanescence, is forming in the USA. Ethe- real voice of the lead sing- er Amy Lee, deep lyrics, music which includes pop and rock influence as well, with significant participa- tion of symphonic and cho- ral elements could predict nothing more than success. The debut album The Fall- en definitely got to the top especially with their most successful hits “My Im- mortal” and “Bring Me to Life”. These songs didn’t only have success among the metal community, but among the commercial public as well. The Dutch band Epica is releasing their new de- but album with the name The Phantom Agony. The quality didn’t go down from the release of their previous album which in- 16 cludes songs like “Sensori- um”, “Illusive Consensus” or ballad “Feint and Cry” for the moon, which now- adays is one of the most memorable works of the band. Austrian band  Eden- bridge doesn‘ t hesitate and they release their third studio album Aphe- lion which includes songs like “Skyward” and “Dead- end fire”. Moreover,  Nightwish is releasing two hours long document End of Inno- cence, which is about their first tour for the album Century Child through the Holopainen’s and Nevalain- en’s point of view. It also includes some live show records. The year 2004 is not be- hind the last one, quite the contrary. In Norway and Germany (at least that’s what the band says) a new formation is being creat- ed with the name Leaves´ Eyes. Their music is com- bined with classical sym- phonic influences with folk elements like folk flutes and other Norwegian folk instruments. Their music is truly well-balanced and what makes it even more