have been already well-
known by people at those
The year 2002 continues
and the symphonic metal
proves that it’s the same
quality as the other gen-
res. The band Nightwish is
releasing their 3rd studio
album Century Child with
which they divert from
power metal and focus
themselves more to gothic
metal and orchestral mu-
sic component. This album
contains some iconic songs
such us “Bless The Child“,
“EverDream“, “End of all
Hope“ or the iconic remake
of the legendary Phantom
of the Opera by Andrew
Lloyd Weber.
In 2002 big things are hap-
pening in Netherlands as
well. Mark Jansen is leav-
ing After Forever and he is
forming a new band with
the name Sahara Dust.
At the beginning,the front-
woman was Helene Mi-
chaelsen from the band
Trail of Tears. She was re-
placed in a short time pe-
riod by Jansen’s girlfriend
Simone Simons who was
not very well-known yet
but she was very talented
and pretty as well.