The Conservative government of Prime Minister David Cameron is taking several steps in order to limit access to welfare benefits . As of 01 of April 2013 , a new legislation took effect reducing several benefits for all those who live in the United Kingdom . However , in a speech delivered in 25 March 2013 , the PM unveiled a plan to curb benefit claims which will specifically affect non UK citizens . One of the greatest changes introduced by the new legislation is the so called “ bedroom tax ”, which aims to encourage a more efficient use of social housing . Working age housing benefit claimants who have one spare room in social housing will lose 14 % of their housing benefit and those with two or more spare bedrooms will lose 25 %. Council tax benefits will also experience a reduction of 10 % on its funding . In addition , the fund will be administered by local councils , instead of the department of work and pensions . Although the recent changes affect all those who live in the UK , David Cameron plans to introduce specific limits to non UK citizens . Some of the proposed measures will affect directly European Union nationals . He has argued that “ While I have always believed in the benefits of immigration I have also always believed that immigration has to be properly controlled .” He also stressed that Britain must stop with the so called “ soft touch ” on benefit claims , and that making entitlement to the country ’ s public services must not be earned automatically .