BRAZIL by Ricardo Lopes
The “ brazuca ” poet and singer Cazuza , said once for this Brazil to show its face . And the “ tupiniquim ” nation is the center of attention on the world stage thanks to the grace , beauty , and the way it handles all things in life , as they should be , in the most natural way possible .
We ’ ve been more muddled , messy , untidy and disorganized , but for some time now , a lot has changed for the better . In various areas and sectors we still fall short , but with the advents of the World Cup and Olympics , perhaps the Sleeping Giant encouraged by the eyes of the world will suddenly rise , once and for all , to show its true face to the planet and what why it ’ s here , even to show how far it can get to reduce its deficiencies , in cultural and social gaps between the classes that live here . In the land that generated Gisele Bunchen , Pele and other stars of many areas , in various sectors and segments of society , and who are still going around the world showing the ability of a people that makes the difference , with the concern of what people will think about us , that an ex-guerrilla member is synonymous of the new Brazilian woman , with attitude and intelligence reached the presidency , Ms Rousseff ’ s -the second most powerful woman in the world .
Yeah , white man , for those who said that here was Indian land , forests and naked woman in the village , with the tribes on the streets of the metropolis , the butt is safe , and Brazil breathes these new times demanding more respect from who speaks but doesn ’ t know anything about the country .