PTQ Issue 1.1 | Page 12

LAND-BASED STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING FOR SWIMMING ATW - REVERSE TOSS (FIGURE 13) The athlete will start in a seated position with legs out in front and knees slightly bent facing away from the trainer. Simultaneously, the trainer will pass the ball over the head of the athlete, where they will catch it at chest-height while moving forward. The athlete will tap the ball to the ground in front of them and then return the ball explosively back to the trainer over their head. The trainer and athlete must aim their tosses carefully so that they do not hit each other and the athlete is always keeping a straight and centered back to avoid the risk of injury. FIGURE 13. AROUND THE WORLD REVERSE TOSS STANDING ROTATIONAL WALL TOSS (FIGURES 14, 15, AND 16) The athlete will start with the medicine ball directly out in front of their body and with their elbows slightly bent. The athlete will swing their arms backwards in a rotational pattern with their elbows slightly bent and follow the ball with their eyes to maximize rotation.