PTQ Issue 1.1 | Page 13 TABLE 1. OFF-SEASON RESISTANCE TRAINING PROGRAM EXAMPLE TYPE OF EXERCISE EXERCISE SETS/REPS TYPE OF SET LBPWR Sled Push 4 sets Circuit HPWR Modified Horizontal Scoop Toss 4x5 Circuit VPWR Box Jump 4x5 Circuit UBS Incline Press 4x8 Superset UBS One-Arm Dumbbell Row 4 x 10 Superset LBS Kettlebell Swings 4 x 10 Superset LBS Deadlift 4x8 Superset Core Around the World 3x8 Circuit UBE Pull-Ups 3 x 10 – 15 Circuit UBE Push-Ups 3 x 10 – 15 KEY: LBS = Lower Body Strength UBS = Upper Body Strength UBE = Upper Body Endurance Circuit LBPWR = Lower Body Power HPWR = Horizontal Power VPWR = Vertical Power TABLE 2. OFF-SEASON RESISTANCE TRAINING PROGRAM EXAMPLE TYPE OF EXERCISE EXERCISE SETS/REPS TYPE OF SET LBS Anchored Barbell Squat Press 4x8 Complex Set HPWR Broad Jump 4x5 Complex Set UBS Bench Press 4x8 Compound Set UBS Dips 4 x 10 – 12 Compound Set UBS High Pull 4x8 Compound Set UBS Suspension Trainer Rows 4 x 12 – 15 Compound Set LBS Leg Press 4x8 Complex Set LBPWR Donkey Kicks 4x5 Complex Set Core Ab Wheel 3x3 Circuit Core Standing Rotational Wall Toss 3 x 10 Circuit UBS Alternating Dumbbell Front Raises 3x8 Circuit PTQ 1.1 | NSCA.COM 13