PTQ Issue 1.1 | Page 11 AROUND THE WORLD (ATW) The ATW core circuit includes four different exercises: sagittal plane toss, rotation toss (left and right), and a reverse toss. The trainer will start out in front of the athlete with the sagittal plane toss, then move to a side for a rotational toss, followed by taking a position behind the athlete for a reverse toss, and finally to the other side to finish the rotations. The amount of repetitions and medicine ball size will depend on the athlete’s fitness level. Using a 4 – 6 lb medicine ball for 2 – 5 repetitions per exercise is a good place to start for most beginners. ATW - SAGITTAL PLANE TOSS (FIGURE 11) The athlete will start in a seated position with the legs out in front and knees slightly bent. Arms should be extended with the hands in front of the face ready to receive the ball. The trainer will perform a chest pass aiming slightly above the head. The athlete will catch the ball, go backwards, and tap the ball to the ground over their head to create an eccentric load on the core. The athlete will then return the ball back to the trainer quickly and explosively following through with the arms. The concentric toss back is done in one movement with the hands over the head; it is not a sit-up and chest pass. FIGURE 11. AROUND THE WORLD SAGITTAL PLANE TOSS ATW - ROTATION TOSS (LEFT AND RIGHT) (FIGURE 12) The athlete will be seated with legs out in front and knees slightly bent, while the trainer will stand perpendicular. The trainer will toss the ball to the athlete across their body. When the athlete receives the ball, they will rotate with arms extended following the ball with their eyes and tap the ball on the floor to the opposite side of the trainer. Then, the athlete will explosively toss the ball back to the trainer. FIGURE 12. AROUND THE WORLD ROTATION TOSS PTQ 1.1 | NSCA.COM 11