PTQ Issue 1.1 | Page 10

LAND-BASED STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING FOR SWIMMING DONKEY KICK (FIGURES 7 AND 8) Start in a supine position with the trainer in front and ready to toss the medicine ball. To perform the exercise, the trainer should carefully toss the ball toward the feet of the athlete. The athlete should simultaneously extend at the knees and hips in order to strike the ball with the bottom of the feet and drive the ball back to the trainer. FIGURE 7. DONKEY KICK - START FIGURE 8. DONKEY KICK - FOOT CONTACT WITH EXTENSION ALTERNATING DUMBBELL FRONT RAISE (FIGURES 9 AND 10) Start with dumbbells in front of the body with elbows slightly bent. Staying under control, move the arms quickly up and down, while performing flexion and extension at the shoulder. FIGURE 9. ALTERNATING DUMBBELL FRONT RAISE 10 FIGURE 10. ALTERNATING DUMBBELL FRONT RAISE PTQ 1.1 | NSCA.COM