Prophecies about New Jerusalem The Word of God for Vladimir Putin, the Russian Pr | Page 2

2018.11.21. mystery is great and much, and the Lord urges you to it by His word, which has been coming down for you. Oh, this is what I am going to tell you: put to work the sight of your faith to rejoice over the greatness of those who come from heaven, for the ancestors with whom they are coming have got white little shirts, they have got holy garment, for those in heaven have linen gar- ments and they are My glory. You will say: “How comes that those in heaven have little shirts?” Oh, but how could it be possible that they do not have? It means that without a shirt they would be naked, they would be without their glory? I, the Lord, have also got a little shirt, and this is how I walk among them, and all the hosts of saints have, they have little linen shirts. Oh, here is what I am going to tell you: Those in heaven have got the sign of submission on their head, for I am the King among them. Does the man on the earth know anymore how to stay before God the King? The little cap is the sign of those who are blessed, the sign of those who obey, having the Lord King upon them. Why do the soldiers have a cap on their heads, both the soldiers with high ranks and those with low ranks have got one. Because they are under authority. Oh, but man is on his own, poor of him, and all are on their own on earth, all have their heads uncovered, men, women, children, masters or servants, and no one has the sign of submission anymore, and no one has God, and all stand before the Lord with their heads un- covered, oh, and how the end of the world is not supposed to come, how can it be otherwise, when all ask for this? (See the thematic selection: “About the end of the world and the Day of the Lord,” r.n.) In the time of the ancestors, only those who had someone dead in their family walked with their heads uncovered, and then they shaved off their beards and heads, and the others knew this sign. However, today all point to a death sign, and no one knows anymore the mystery of the covered head for submission, and even the angels appear with a little white band on their heads, as a sign that they are submitted to the Lord, their King, but in this time, almost everywhere there is the end of all things and the beginning of everything, a new heaven and a new earth, as it is written to be and to appear, oh, and all are on their own, not obeying anyone, and no one knows that only satan’s spirit shows that man is separated from God on the earth, and even more, it wants to teach the man to believe and to say that there is no God, and all those who believe and speak so are foolish, as it is written. Oh, sons, who make and prepare My coming with honor as many times as I knock at your door to open for Me to come, oh, sons, every day, and now, on this day of glory, early in the morning, I am examining with My spirit and eyes all the preparation, the spirit and the work of today, and I am saying: wonderful, wonderful, sons, and I am the One Who sees ahead of time and works beforehand. But those to whom I show beforehand, they also know what and how is going to be at the feasts, and they begin to fear to say, lest you may be afraid that you cannot do, that the time is little for such great work, which you have to do for the feasts every time. Oh, and I am keeping My eyes upon them and I am embracing into My arms those that have come together here, at the glory of the angelic feast, and I am giving them those things from above, and you are to give them those from below near Me. However, I have to knock on this day at the doors of the kings of the earth and of the nations on it, and I am telling them what I am going to speak to them. 2