Prophecies about New Jerusalem The Word of God for Vladimir Putin, the Russian Pr | Page 3

2018.11.21. Oh, I am the One Who made the heaven and the earth, oh, you those who are kings according to their ranks! Stand up and open to the One Who reigns upon you and over the earth, and Who has His seat in the sky, in heaven, surrounded by hosts of cherubim and seraphim, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and many among these do not know, they cannot do, and do not want to consider that I, the Lord, am the great One over all gods, over those that are not able do like Me, Who do everything I want in heaven and on earth, on seas and in the depths, the only One Who can make miracles, and who can reach My knowledge? Any man who leaves the earth comes to stand before Me for his life here and for everything that it will be with him in eternity, and woe to the people who trust those who are strong among the sons of men, who cannot save, and whose spirit comes out of them while they return to dust and all their thoughts perish once with them! Oh, kings of the earth, I am He Who sends My word over the earth, but I do not show My judgments to every nation. Oh, come closer to listen to My mouth! You do not have to come to this mountain, but you have only to listen to Me, coming near with faith in that what I am speaking to you, just as the people of Israel received the Lord from Moses, who was going up in the holy mountain and was taking the word from the Lord by which He was shepherding. I am coming as Shepherd upon you, and I am coming in a humble way, for this is how God is, and the Lord cannot be otherwise. I am coming as Shepherd, and I have the rod of gentleness and affection to lead to My pasture all those that I am shepherding. I am coming down from heaven to you and I am coming with the clouds, as it is written, as I promised through My messengers, (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) and on the day of My ascension to the Father after forty days from My resurrection, they proclaimed and My messengers spoke to those who were seeing My ascension into heaven, and they said this: «This Jesus Who was received up from you into the sky will come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky». (Acts 1:11) Oh, kings of the earth, you are weakened by your sins, and you cannot rule over the people but only to sin, for a sinner cannot guide another sinner; they cannot protect one another because people are people and that is all, and that is why they need a God over them, oh, and only One is God and man does not seek after Him earnestly, when he wants to have a God upon him. Oh, kings of the earth, what makes a king? A king is to take care first of his people and not of himself, and the king also has to give life and bring victory for his people in times of trials over its life. When a king departs from God’s law, he falls down suddenly, but when he takes care of his people and of his soul, then he is protected and he goes in front of it, giving thanks to God for him and for the people. When a people departs from God and from the laws of his life, then that people falls into bondage under wicked rulers like him, who are wanderers and who all wander away, but if that people stands up for the Lord with remorse and when he repairs his walking, oh there comes the Lord’s mercy, it comes for forgiveness, for repentance and then it comes for getting out from the wandering of life bondage. Oh, kings of the earth, those who are faithful and unfaithful to the Lord and to your people, oh, open up your ears to hear God. Oh, until when you are afraid of each other, or one from another? And here it is why you make dangerous weapons with which 3