Prophecies about New Jerusalem The Word of God for Vladimir Putin, the Russian Pr

2018.11.21. The Word of God 1 for Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, at the Synod of the Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel 2 The heavens are opening and the heavenly glory is coming down above, here. Those in heaven are taking their places in groups, those who are not seen by the eyes that are held to see. Glory and only glory fills the sky here. The hosts of angels have come with Me at the feast of the angels, and I, their Lord, have them as My glory. I am Who I am, and My glory follows Me wherever I am. I am the One Who comes with the saints, as it is written for Me to come, and behold the day of the angels’ feast in the citadel of My word on the earth of the Romanian people, here, in the city of My coming as word on the earth! Oh, and since when have I been coming and speaking with My voice over this land and time? For over sixty years, I have been coming and going all the way between heaven, and earth, and I have been coming on this land and I have got written word with Me, which testifies about My great love and about My coming to show the man the way on which I come and descend to him, and man is supposed to learn the way from Me, for I am the way and there is no other way besides Me, and he who does not know and does not walk on this unique way, he does not go anywhere, poor of him. However, I am the gentle Shepherd and I come into the man’s way and I offer and show him the way, but if he does not want to know Me and believe after that, then he does not find the way and he goes without any guidance on earth. There is much word on My tongue now, and I want to write everything into the book that is being written today, on a day of feast for My angels, God’s angels. Behold the shelter here under which I come together with you, those who have gathered at the spring, has no border. Oh, there is not any border, for between Us and you is only glory now, and you are enveloped within it. Nothing keeps Me far from the place where I want to be and work, as the stone on My tomb could not prevent Me either from staying far from those that are seen, and from the people. Oh, now it is the same; the glory with which I am coming is great, and the shelter here is not between Me and you; it is neither for God or for those with whom I am coming, or for those to whom I am coming, and it is only the glory with which I come and that is all. Oh, it is so majestic, so solemn, the image of My coming to you with the saints and with My angels on this great day, sons, who open to Me to be able to come in when I come! There have come near Me and near you those who have known and have been longing after My com- ing to you. With festive splendor, this is how you, those from below, have to prepare the feasts and meet those who are celebrated in heaven, for you believe that they have come and that is why the saints come to you, and that is why you always prepare My coming and you welcome Me with honor, sons. Oh, it is not as in the world, because it is not for the world, but rather for those in heaven, of whom the world does not take care on earth. You, those who know that I come, and those of you who have come at the spring of My mouth here, you believe that I come and that is why I come and I give you when you come. Oh, peace to you, peace to you and welcome for My days of glory here! You are going to meet your ancestors, for I am coming with the saints and they are going to meet you, for God’s 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 1