Contributor by Kenny Wong
6 Phrases Real Estate Investors
Shouldn’t Use
Sometimes, some income is better than no income
As human beings, we have a habit of making If we continue to allow and buy into our 2. “I’m too busy.”
up excuses for ourselves. Everyone deals own excuses as real estate investors and Busy, busy, busy. We’re always busy. While
with uncertainty and fears — it’s natural. For professionals, we’ll never achieve our full it’s true that many people do have a tight
anyone looking to have a successful business potential. In the spirit of self-improvement, schedule throughout the week, work or
of any kind, getting past the excuses born I’ve shortlisted some of the most common business can often became a potent excuse.
out of these fears and negative thoughts is excuses we give ourselves and others. These It sounds valid, and we may very well have a
a crucial first step. Learning from the gurus, are the sentences that we must leave behind lot on our plates, but “busyness” is a business
mentors and successful entrepreneur, I if we want to be great. killer.
right mindset. I truly believe that having a 1. “Now’s not a good time.” Why?
proper min dset is one of the key factors that Really? Is there ever going to be a perfect For one, it creates a wall that hinders change.
determines success, no matter what the timing? This excuse can be valid if you’re We are blocked off from possibilities, from
business. over capacity or burning out. It really might re-prioritizing, to change, to accommodate
have become a huge believer in having the
not be a good time for you personally. But in other opportunities. The real reason we claim
Real estate investing is no different than any many cases, for professionals in any field and “busyness” probably has more to do with
other business. If you treat it like a hobby, real estate investors, timing has more to do uncertainties or a lack of interest. Everyone
then you will have the same success you with market conditions. While yes, timing is on Earth has the same time allotted to them.
would have with a hobby. However, if you important, it is no reason to not start in the You know what? We’re rarely as busy as we
treat your real estate investing as a business, first place. Your timing might be off, and that’s say we are.
then you can have the kind of success we all okay. At least you have done something. hope to have in business. This requires us to Another reason it is a business killer is that
leave the excuses behind. we all arrange time for what we want to make
time for. Often, those wants include things