that have nothing to do with their business. This excuse is often rooted in a sense of and desire to take on risks and hard work
Things like hobbies, socializing and workouts. perfectionism. Truly valuable experience is are the weapons that real estate investors
Our schedules are often filled with extra built on failure and success alike. So if you everywhere use to get over that stumbling
activities, which is not a bad thing at all but are in lack of experience, this is the time to block.
those things can be bad when they fill our get it. A successful business grows from and schedule to the brim and prevents us from with experience. The only way to get it is to 5. “It’s not worth it.”
allocating the time that’s needed for us to go for it. This excuse demands an examination.
There are many real reasons as to why an
make our real estate businesses successful.
4. “I need more money.” opportunity may not feel worth it to you. The
valid excuses would be like:
3. “I don’t have the experience.” This excuse can feel very real when you While not having experience in one area or genuinely out of cash. Maybe your business is another is a valid concern, it’s not a very good struggling at a low point or emergencies have I have weighed the risks, and it isn’t
reason to abandon the opportunity. You don’t used up your resources. The issue is when you something I can wisely pursue.
get experience if you don’t try in the first say it and do nothing to solve the problem. place. Good decisions come from experience, Everyone can find alternative routes to find It doesn’t fit with my brand, mission, or
and experience comes from bad decisions. funding and cut expenses. For real estate portfolio.
None of us starts with experience. We all start investors, it may be a simple case of being an at the same place and build from the bottom. entry-level investor with tastes that exceed This opportunity will not further my overall
That is often where we miss the true lifecycle the price point. Most of us have to start small. business goals.
of business. Then grow from there.
After careful assessment, this property is
“I’m a perfectionist and nothing is worth Money is only an issue for those who allow
doing unless you get it right the first time.” it to stop them. Creativity, a willingness
bigger than what I’m able to take on.