WHY #3 Certainty Is Just a Dream
If you wish for certainty in life, you are
going to be wishing for a very long time!
As a property investor, you need to
understand that the only thing certain is
uncertainty itself. Everything changes; be
it at a local, national, regional, or global
level. In property investment, things
change all the time. Policies will change,
buying and rental trends change, hot
locations change, etc.
Knowing the fact that things will change
now and in the future, being strategic
with your property investment is critical!
As a strategist, you’d understand the
importance of scenario planning, which
is the cornerstone of being strategic, yet
so few do it. Only the strategist will be
able to adapt to the uncertainties of the
property market, and you should too.
WHY #4 Strategist versus Victim WHY #5 Staying Competitive
If you are not a strategist, you will end While we live in exciting times, we too live
up a victim! I don’t know about you, in times of extreme competitions. There
but I don’t want to be a victim. I want are increasingly more property investors
to be a winner in the game of property coming into the game and there are
investment. In this time of excitement increasing choices. The Strategic Property
and time of concern, and in such Investor understands that things won’t
uncertain times, you really do not have get any easier, but we must get better!
any choice but to be a strategic property
investor. Strategist makes massive profits Mediocre investors hope that things are
from both good and bad times. If you are going to get easier, things won’t change,
a mediocre or half cooked – pardon my and they never do! The market will
language – investor, I do not see how you only get tougher with new policies and
will be very successful in the reality of the regulations. There will always be more
property market today. investors in the game. Being strategic is
the only way to staying competitive in
an increasingly competitive investment
Ahyat Ishak
Ahyat is the author of the bestseller “The Strategic Property Investor” book and program. Having started from humble
beginnings, his first property investment began more than a decade ago and by the age of 30, he became a property
millionaire. He is also known for his highly acclaimed workshops, seminars, and talks.