Project 9ja Mag The Revolution. 1st Edition | Page 38

Project 9ja Where do you see yourself and the foundation in the next 10 years? Fulfilling purpose, living happy and touching many more lives informed about any opportunities. Can you run us through the awards and recognitions you’ve gotten so far both as an individual and for the foundation? There are a couple of them. I sincerely don’t recall a number of them. Kindly visit: @wadibenhirki on Instagram/ Twitter/ Facebook. You’ve done some work that has to do with youth and advocacy. Can you tell us what you’ve learnt from them and how these platforms work towards improving the values and lifestyle of the youth? I’ve learnt passion, determination and perseverance. Are there any projects we should look forward to? Not at the moment. What are some of your benchmark organisations for the Wadi Ben-Hirki Foundation and who are the people you strongly look up to as an individual? There are a couple of organizations. Some of the people I look up to are: God, my mother, Oprah Winfrey, Strive Masiyiwa and The Dalai Lama among others What is the major driving force that keeps you going? The major forces are my purpose, goal and vision. What opportunities are there for people to work/ volunteer for the Wadi Ben-Hirki Foundation? Interested people should go to our website and write to us. They will be page 38