PRME SIP Report 2019/20 | Page 14



At the School of Business , we value engagement with the industry and community to solve social and environmental challenges at the regional , national and global levels . The PRME Seminar Series provides a platform to foster dialogue and talks at all levels with business leaders who are key drivers of responsible management . Such industry presentations not only offer students and staff an opportunity to bridge the gap between the classroom and the business world , they also provide a glimpse into the workings and challenges of the real world .
Business & Human Rights : Digital Identity , Data & Property Rights Dr . Puvan J Selvanathan , Founder & CEO of Bluenumber Foundation
Dr . Puvan spoke about the importance of a new human ID that promotes right-based approach to digital identity , data and property rights in global networks and supply chains . The seminar focused on the blockchain ‘ Track and Trace ’ from farm to fork and map relationships in any agri-food value chain down to individual workers in an effort to reduce risks of slavery , or forced or child labour . Bluenumber also provides thought leadership , technology and systems for people to own and control data they create or generate through their own actions or choices . Dr . Puvan was formerly the UN Special Rapporteur on Business and Human Rights in Geneva , Head of Food & Agriculture at the UN Global Compact and Head of the International Trade Centre in New York .