PRME SIP Report 2019/20 | Page 13

13 education
Priya Sharma from the Department of Business Law and Taxation developed and introduced a new capstone unit , BEW3001 Ethics & Sustainability in a Business Environment for the Bachelor of Business and Commerce program . Through this unit , Priya sought to integrate the PRME principles in teaching and learning for fi nal year students . She also aimed to elevate their understanding of the values of global social responsibility and to facilitate dialogues with leading change makers within and outside of Malaysia .
To overcome the challenges of Covid-19 , Priya developed innovative strategies to deliver this unit virtually . She designed authentic learning methods and assessments through meaningful collaborations with multiple industry stakeholders and jointly explored new approaches to curriculum development on social and environmental responsibilities . Some of the impactful external stakeholders include key
industry partners , United Nations organizations and other non-governmental organizations .
Priya converted her class lectures to a virtual lecture series , called Responsible Education Series , and invited international and local business leaders , academics , entrepreneurs , Monash alumni and sustainability advocates to share diff erent perspectives on the implementation of the SDGs in various business contexts .
This unit has brought about several commendable outcomes ; students obtaining internships in SDG related work through networking with the invited speakers , and students furthering postgraduate education in sustainable development . The unit also successfully demonstrates the integration of the SDGs into a business curriculum through case studies , advocacy and research .
Based on a reform under the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance requiring large company boards to comprise at least 30 percent women , in her unit , BTW2320 , Current Issues In Corporate Governance , Priya Sharma incorporated as assessment for students to research and debate the success of women directors in Malaysia . Adjudicated by the Monash Malaysia Association of Debaters , the debate attracted academics from diff erent disciplines and a female director from global consultancy fi rm Deloitte as keynote speaker . The teaching and learning strategy received international recognition in September 2020 , when it was chosen as a best-practice strategy for universities in the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network guide .
Priya ’ s excellence was also recognised by Monash University ’ s Faculty of Business and Economics , where she received the Monash Purple Letter for Teaching Excellence and the Dean ’ s Award for PRME Education Excellence 2020 .