PRME SIP Report 2019/20 | Page 12



The School of Business continues to improve and align its curriculum towards responsible management education .
The School developed new units and changed the student learning outcomes , content and assessment of existing units to incorporate the SDGs and refl ect the principles of responsible management ( see Table 1 ). In addition , the school continues to develop eff ective learning experiences for responsible leadership .
Integration of sustainability at the bachelors ’ and masters ’ level
Table 1 > Highlights of changes to curriculum that align with PRME and SDGs
Type of change
Unit Changes Examples of Unit Changes
New units Work Experience Program ( BBusCom ) Experiential Learning Project ( BBusCom ) Asia in the World Economy ( BBusCom )
Ethics & Sustainability in a Business Environment ( BBusCom )
Leveraging Behavioural Neuroscience for Business Impact ( BBusCom )
Contemporary Issues in Markets of Asia ( MIB )
Work Experience Program
This experiential learning unit allow students to undertake internship or volunteer work with the non-profi t sector or other industries to build on their professional skills and gain social awareness .
Ethics & Sustainability in a Business Environment
This new capstone unit was introduced in 2020 challenges students to examine the obligations of the stakeholders to their environment while being ethical and responsible leaders .
New teaching content or revised assessment
Social Entrepreneurship ( BBusCom ) Malaysian Business Law ( BBusCom ) Malaysian Company Law ( BBusCom ) Introduction to Management ( BBusCom )
International Issues in Employment Law ( MIB )
Ethics & Global Corporate Governance ( MIB ) International Trade Law ( MIB )
Marketing and the International Consumers ( MIB )
Social Entrepreneurship
A unit that requires students to examine and debate the critical role of social entrepreneurship , and the relevance of the Social Business Model canvas in valuing the sustainability of social enterprises . Students also have opportunities to network with social enterprises and support networks .
Malaysian Business Law
The unit assessment was revised for students to critically analyse the Contracts Act 1950 and to demonstrate the extent justice is provided to contractual parties . In light of the inequality of bargaining position between parties , students must unearth how common law feeds into those lacunas to ensure there is justice and equality . Students are also exposed to laws from various jurisdictions , offering a platform to solve problem based issues from various perspectives .
International Issues in Employment Law
The teaching content was revised to raise awareness on Goal 5 ( Gender equality ) and Goal 8 ( Decent work and economic growth ), providing a global legal perspective on employment challenges and discrimination .
* BBusCom = Bachelor of Business and Commerce MIB = Master of International Business