Private Military Contractor International April 2014 | Page 9
early meeting in the morning.
Through the night we had a few rocket attacks and I was up
and down like a yoyo checking on the client but he did not
hear a thing all night. Typical! There was him fresh as a daisy
and me looking like I’ve been out all night on the pop with
the lads!
Great! Full English breakfast! I’d not a had a UK army
breakfast for years and it tasted really good. We both had
a belly full as we were going to be out for most of the day
and you never know when you will eat next but the
Green Bean and Burger King we passed to get to the
mess hall was a prime location if we had 20 minutes
off later.
We pinch a Landy from some of the UK SF lads for
the day. It had no doors on it and I was going to get
covered in dust but it was better than walking around,
as the airbase was huge and our meeting was on the
outskirts of the main camp. As we turned up at our
meeting place it was obvious that they knew my client
and he had been there before, so that bit was easy for
me and I just followed them around like a sheep dog.
We had meeting all day looking at maps, Air maps
and taking notes of grids and having safety briefings,
as I had found out the previous day that we would be
flying around Helmand in some Huey gunships for the
ten days we were out there. So the next day (after
my Burger King) we were up early and loaded our kit
on the bird. There were two of them and a Cobra for
support; a lead bird, us, then a gunship at the back. We
were also assigned a Seal team who were to be with
us throughout the 10 days because of the nature of the mission.
We spent most of the ten days flying around the south of Afghanistan, hanging
out of doors and watching the ground below.
As I said, I can’t go into the mission as I know they still go on but I wanted to
show you CP work is not just about sitting around in cars, or stood outside a door
for hours on end. We do sometimes get involved in missions only fit for the special ones out there doing a good job for our country.
The lads I worked with on this mission were total professionals and I would happily go out with them any day and yes, being American they had all the Gucci kit!