Private Military Contractor International April 2014 | Page 10
PMCI has recently received the following communication and would like to bring it to the
attention of all former Project Matrix colleagues.
Dear Former Project MATRIX Colleagues,
As you may already be aware, this year is the 10th anniversary of the commencement of Project MATRIX in Iraq. To mark the occasion,
a Project MATRIX Service of Remembrance and ‘Reunion’ will be held here in Central London. As a former member of the project, who
contributed to its success, you are cordially invited to attend. The date for the event has now been confirmed as Saturday 29 March
2014. We sincerely hope that as many people as possible will be able to be there, of all nationalities, so that the 32 former colleagues
that sadly lost their lives during the 7-year duration of the project can be remembered in the best possible way. However we also realise
that there a large number of you may sadly be unable to attend due to other commitments, including continuing work overseas.
The Service of Remembrance will take place in The Guards Chapel, and will conducted by Reverend David Cooper (former MATRIX G7
Civil Affairs Director 2006-2007 and 2 PARA Padre during the Falklands War). This will then be followed by ‘refreshments’ in the Garrison
Sergeants Mess in Wellington Barracks for the remainder of the afternoon/early evening. Outline timings for the day are as follows:
All are asked to be seated inside the Guards Chapel
Service of Remembrance begins
Service of Remembrance finishes and guests make their way to the Garrison Sergeants Mess
Bar opens in Garrison Sergeants Mess
Hot buffet lunch is served
Bar closes in Garrison Sergeants Mess and all are requested to vacate Wellington Barracks
• 17:00hrs onwards
Central London is yours to enjoy as you wish!
Details, and a map, of how to find the Guards Chapel can be found by clicking on the following link:
In order to gain attendance to the barracks we are required to provide a full attendance list to the resident battalion, with only na Y\\