Pristine Panorama | Page 8

Hawaiian Hues - End of Term Party

Global Citizenship: Understanding other Cultures

Students of FS and KS1 welcomed the summer break with yet another day of ‘learning beyond the walls’ with a grand celebration of Hawaiian culture, traditional music, food, entertainment and learning about Hawaiian and Polynesian culture. ‘Aloha’ greetings reverberated in every classroom as they came dressed up in floral dresses and funky shirts, adorned with popular accessories like hula flowers, hibiscus bands, flower garlands, beach hats, and funky goggles. It was a memorable day of friendship as well as an opportunity to gain rich knowledge in understanding world cultures.

The art and design enterprise project of Key Stage 1 is a yearly event with the theme “Strokes and Structures” which provides our little artists a platform to exhibit their immense talent as well as enterprise skills, defined by the ‘Joy of Sharing’ campaign. Students were able to demonstrate their creative ideas effectively with scrap, changing “trash into treasure”. The exhibition was incredibly successful and all the displayed items were sold out to the visiting parents.

“Strokes & Structures”

Art & Design Enterprise by Key Stage 1

Junior School