Pristine Panorama | Page 5

Junior School

An innovative idea of a charity auction by the students of Key Stage 1 was the highlight of the Mother’s Day programme and had a huge impact for being creative for a cause, which proved that young children have a great capacity for empathy and altruism. The first of its kind at Pristine, an auction of paintings by students of Year 1 and 2 was conducted by the students themselves as part of our permanent charity enterprise, ‘Joy of Sharing’.

The five beautiful paintings were up for grabs by the inspired audience, as the young ‘master auctioneers’ of Year 2 pitched their skills in an unbelievable manner! It was most impressive that they exuded confidence and capacity to work a crowd of more than 200 people to raise a good amount for a cause through the auction. It was donated to a government approved charitable organization in Sri Lanka which provides facilities for the relief of disadvantaged women and children.

Our heartfelt gratitude to all the mothers who contributed to the noble cause by purchasing the paintings at the charity auction!

Creative for a Cause!