Pristine Panorama | Page 16

Middle School

After competing in various challenges students cleaned the ground, savoured healthy snacks freshened up and dressed in their formal cultural attire for the cultural gala night and buffet dinner. Each team presented a cultural presentation on the country assigned to it. The presentations were very informative and interesting and everyone enjoyed them. The judges quizzed the teams and awarded points. Students then engaged in singing and dancing amidst lively and entertaining music and camp fire. The lavish buffet dinner was followed by a sweet ice cream treat which was relished by all.

At about 12 o’clock everyone changed into their pyjamas and gathered in the MPH with their sleeping bags. The wake up next morning was proceeded with morning exercise on the field. Students then enjoyed a healthy breakfast, talked about the fun they had the previous night, received their team awards, packed their bags and anxiously waited for their parents to share their exciting camp stories with them.

All in all it was a tremendously successful endeavour, the students thoroughly enjoyed and learned from their experiences and look forward to more of such enthralling activities.