Pristine Panorama | Page 15

Middle School

Boys Camp Night in School

An Enchanting Night for Cultural Exchange

The most awaited event of Term 2 was the boys’ school camp night which was organized on 17th March to facilitate cultural exchange and strengthen interaction among students. It provided students an excellent opportunity to know the fine lines of different cultures and at the same time portray their own through songs, dances, food, myths, legends and stories! The event brought the PPS learning community together to celebrate all the richness and benefits of being such a diverse community. It helped students recognise the importance of a shared national identity, sense of belonging and the value of cultural, social and ethnic diversity. It also validated that UAE is a multicultural society.

Students accompanied by the faculty members engaged in a range of exciting activities which included multicultural workshop, team building indoor and outdoor games, salad making, cultural exchange gala night, camp fire around the world and morning exercise.

It was a fun filled gala which began at 2:00 in the afternoon until 7:00 the next morning. All 145 campers were divided into 9 teams each given a name of a country according to the top nationalities of the student body at PPS. The teams were explained the rules and guidelines to participate in the challenges. The action began post lunch with outdoor team building challenges and activities followed by an exciting competition of salad making. While the teams competed with each other the judges observed them and awarded points on their team spirit, cooperation, discipline and cleanliness.