Pristine Panorama | Page 14

Middle School

Over a period of two days the teams competed in debates, multiple choice assessments, and collaborative writing, public speaking and the Scholar’s Bowl followed by the award ceremony and closing remarks. The three PPS teams performed exceptionally well and bagged multiple medals in all categories both as a team and on individual performance. Well done! You did us all proud!

The team results are as follows:

The teams qualified for the WSC Global Round and the Mini-Global Round to be held in June at July at Bangkok Convention Centre and Prague respectively. The teams will also have the opportunity to participate at the final conference; The Tournament of Champions at Yale University in November. The teams are currently preparing to participate in the Mini-Global Round at Prague. We wish the very best to our teams.

This experience has challenged me both as a student and as an individual, from public speaking to collaborative writing, it has developed my confidence and knowledge far greater than I had expected and brought out the best in me.” Rana Clarisse.