Pristine Panorama | Page 13

Middle School

World Scholar’s Cup

On the 11th and 12th of March, 2016, 9 students from the Middle School participated in the world’s most prestigious competition; The World Scholar’s Cup, was held at GEMS Wellington, Silicon Oasis. Students studied material in a number of disciplines to explore a cutting-edge global theme in order to compete and collaborate with leading students from across the world in debate, essay writing, challenge and bowl teams of three quiz. This year’s theme was An Imperfect World and the topics under the key subjects of History, Science , Literature, Art and Social Studies included; Crime and Justice , A History of Cheating, Disease and Public Health, Worlds to Light the Darkness, Flawed Visions, Broken Sounds and When States Falter. Individual students join forces with two teammates at school to participate in the challenge in two divisions: Senior (ages 15+) and Junior (ages 11 – 14)

The three PPS teams consisted of; Team 259: Rana Clarisse, Zaara Tasnim and Sukena, Team 260 with Dominic De Guzman, Nashwa Mansoor and Reena Riczie , and Team 380: consisted of Zarya Usman, Mobina Dehghan and Amina Mujahid who were one of the youngest teams to have competed in the Senior Division in the World Scholar’s Cup. Prior to the competition students were provided training sessions to help them prepare for the challenge.