Pristine Panorama | Page 17

Middle School

Chevron Readers' Cup

The semi-finalists of the Primary Team 2 , Lance Marrero 5C, Hassandi Perera 5D, Fathima Yumnah 6C and Jess Anthony 6D participated in the final round of the Chevron Reader’s Cup held on Sunday the 20th in Al Khayma/Majlis – InterContinental Hotel, Festival City.

The Primary Team 2 read; Nick Arnold Terrible Truth about Time and Marcia Williams Mr William Shakespeare Plays to prepare for the final round. It was a great learning experience for the team members. They performed brilliantly and ranked 6th in the top ten teams. Well done!

Career Map Assessment

Group Counselling Session

Students of Year 8 sat for an online aptitude test followed by a result analysis group counselling session held on 21st March for parents and students to help them comprehend the results. The session facilitated the students to identify their numerical, comprehension abstract or spatial reasoning skills in the light of the test results thus enabling them to make informed subject choices for Year 9. The presenter further guided the attendees by answering their queries and concerns.