Pilot Program in Hay
In the Green Hay consultations, Customer Service was said
to be a challenge, and Tourism offers many opportunities for
our town. With this in mind, Hay Shire Council, in
conjunction with the Business Enterprise Centre (BEC), and
the Australian Retailers Association (ARA), are launching a
pilot program in Hay, with the following objectives:
??Increasing Customer Service awareness to have Hay
recognised as an “Aussie Host Town”.
??Complementing this will be an additional workshop
delivered by the Australian Retail Association on the topic
of Visual Merchandising which will assist in helping to
make the stores and store precincts more attractive.
Graham Sayer, CEO for Murray Hume and Riverina BEC launched
the program
Hay, and Balranald, in order for it to be rolled out across the
??Assist businesses one-on-one where requested in specific
visual merchandising strategies.
The Launch, held on the 11th September attracted around
20 Interested business people eager to learn more about
the program. The tourism officer from West Wylong
attended the launch, in the hopes that it will soon be rolled
out and coming to other towns, like West Wylong.
??Have as many employees as possible understand and be
able to speak about local tourist attractions when asked,
even asking stores to display local tourist information.
Each participating business becomes a “mini tourist
information centre”.
According to Graham Sayer, Chief Executive Officer for
Murray Hume and Riverina BEC, travellers are more likely
to stop in an “Aussie Host Town’, and word would soon get
out that Hay is a great place to take a break. This program
is specifically engineered for small communities.
The State Government funded initiative needs to succeed in
David and Janet Lowe,
Hay Newsagency with
Paul Crack (BEC). Paul
is a regular visitor to
local businesses.
Chris McClelland, Wild
Prints, learns more
about the program.
? Overnight Melbourne to Echuca
?D e n i l i q u i n , G r i f f i t h & H a y