Past Councillors Honoured for Service to the Hay Community
In recognition of the commitment and hard work of non returning councillors , Hay Shire Council held a dinner at the Bishops Lodge Motel . Certificates of Appreciation and a small gift were presented to those who “ put their hands up and do the hard yards , with no commendation - only criticism ,” according to local member John Williams . Both Mr . Williams and Hay Mayor , Bill Sheaffe , praised the team work and commitment of those not returned in last years vote .
Pat Fayle served the Hay community for 22 years . According to Mick Beckwith Pat ’ s “ fire and brimstone attitude got things done .” Pat will soon be presented with the Outstanding Service Award in Sydney . In her acceptance speech Pat said , “ We fought and we made up - hopefully we got the job done .”
David Low served 2008 - 2012
Retiring Director of Technical Services , Bill Moore , welcomed the new Director Ben Drenovski , to Hay . Ben commenced work at the beginning of July .
Margaret Treloar accept on behalf of her late husband . John Treloar was a councilman from 2008 - 2012 .
Mick Beckwith , 11 times Mayor over 32 years , paid tribute to Pat Fayle and her dedication and support over the years .
Lionel ‘ Keno ” Garner Councillor from 2008 - 2012
Sandra McRae served two terms 2004 - 2012 . Sandra says of her time on council , “ You hope you have made a difference .”
Hay Newsagency David and Janet Low
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