Be hard on yourself.
Set a budget and stick to it no matter how
appealing the fresh lobster looks, if it’s not in the
budget or on the menu, NO.
Set time aside to surf
Build recipes for leftovers
Turn these recipes into your menus for suppers and
lunches over the holiday season. There’s always turkey
left and it makes a great soup or sandwiches. Even
leftover vegetables can be fried up for a seasonal dish.
Meaning don’t get the board out, but surf the
internet for online stores whom will deliver. This
will not only save you money on gas, but on that
precious commodity of time. Freeing up time from
trawling around stores gives time to plan, create
menus, and cook. Buying on line also helps limit
impulse buying.
Homemade Food Gifts
Cook it.
Don’t be shy. Ask friends or family to bring a contribution
to the table, many people love to contribute and an extra
bottle of wine or a piece of candy is always handy.
It is nearly always cheaper and more fun to cook
a dish than dip into the chilled counter at the
supermarket or deli.
A great way to save money is homemade food gifts like a
jar of jam or marmalade or a box of homemade Christmas
Cookies. Homemade gifts are always fun to make and
lovely to receive.
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New Years Money Savings Tips
1. Be a Savvy Spender by using Grocery Store Coupons
Make a habit of visiting web sites that offer hundreds of printable grocery
coupons: Snackpicks' coupons page,, Smartsource, and
2. Save Smart with a Savings Account
Saving money on your everyday expenses is a great resolution. Create a
savings account today. Starting with $15 automatically deducted from your
paycheck every pay period. Use this strategy to start funding an emergency
fund, vacation fund, or your chilld's college fund.
3. Ways to Make Money
Making more money can be as easy as getting rid of stuff you no longer
need or use. If you have a lot of clothes your family has outgrown, you can
easily turn that into money by selling it on Ebay, Craigslist, or through a
consignment shop. Holding a garage sale is a great way to get rid of any
extra stuff cluttering your home or that's been in storage for too long.
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