Creating Assets, Savings, and Hope
Volume 1, Issue 2
Letter from the Director
Ready or not, the holidays are upon
us. When I was wrapping gifts over
the weekend, I realized that most of
my shopping is done. While it feels
good to have that out of the way, I
know I am a CIRCLE type Money
Personality and one of my spending
leaks is shopping unnecessarily. I
love Christmas and I love giving gifts
so now I must resist the temptation
to continue shopping.
From gifts and parties to decorations and travel, there are
numerous financial pressures associated with the holiday season
which is why it is crucial that we prepare a Holiday Budget and
stick to it. Don’t forget to include in the budget all of the various
things you spend money on for the, wrapping
paper, cards, postage, food, travel expenses, clothing, etc.
If your income does not support all of the gifts you want to give
look for alternative ways of giving. You may not be the crafty type
but you can still make homemade gifts; consider cookies, candy,
gift certificates for services like a day’s worth of help in the yard.
Gifts like this are especially appreciated by older family members
and friends. You may want to draw names for large groups or
families and buy one gift instead of many. White Elephant gift
exchanges can cost nothing but often result in much laughter and
a fun time for everyone.
Shopping smart and being frugal this holiday will give you a great
start on a New Year’s Resolution to SAVE MONEY. I pray you
and your loved ones share a Christmas filled with joy and that you
experience the peace of financial security in 2013.
Happy New Year,
CASH Selects New Logo
Congratulations to Jason Becker of Wichita, Kansas with
the winning logo for Interfaith Housing Service’s Creating
Assets, Savings, and Hope (CASH) program’s logo contest!
After the votes were tallied, the design won approval from
the organization. “In my eyes, Mr. Becker’s logo depicted
our program and everything it stands for with simplicity,”
says Kaci Davignon, Western Kansas Coordinator. “We
are a program who focuses on growing our clients from
beginning until end. This logo expresses that.”
The CASH logo contest accepted entries from September
15th- October 16th, 2012. Entries were submitted from
all areas of Kansas. Mr. Becker has received $500 for
his efforts. The CASH logo is going to be utilized on all
marketing and media materials for Interfaith Housing
“We would like to thank everyone who submitted entries,”
says Davignon. “It was such a fun experience to see the
creative talents of so many people.”
Through education and asset building, the Creating Assets, Savings, and Hope Program empowers low to moderate income households to
achieve financial self-sufficiency by teaching new habits of financial responsibility.