Seniors ’ Information Centre Inc .
Centre d ’ information pour personnes âgées inc .
Issue 2017 Volume 7 , Number / numéro 2
LE MAGAZINE PRIMETIME EST UNE PUBLICATION DU CENTRE D ’ INFORMATION POUR PERSONNES ÂGÉES INC . ( 506 ) 855-1121 rhea . gallant @ seniorsinformationcentre . com www . seniorsinformationcentre . com
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF / RÉDACTEUR EN CHEF Steven Boyce ( 506 ) 852-1001 stevenboycecanada1 @ gmail . com
FRENCH COPY REVISIONS / RÉVISION FRANÇAISE Sylvie Mousseau CONTRIBUTORS / COLLABORATEURS Jennifer Gouchie-Terris Margaret Eaton Paul Gaudet Place Resurgo Place Rhéa Gallant Christina Campbell Jennifer Johnston FCNB
GRAPHIC DESIGNER / GRAPHISTE Jean Cormier jeancormier @ maaspros . com
ADVERTISING SALES / VENTES DE PUBLICITÉ Steven Boyce , Director of Advertising Sales ( 506 ) 852-1001 stevenboycecanada1 @ gmail . com
Thank you to our advertisers / Merci à tous nos annonceurs
PrimeTime is published 4 times per year , as a bilingual magazine , and is distributed throughout the Greater Moncton area .
All rights reserved . Contents may not be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher . Printed in Canada . Copyright 2012 . PrimeTime magazine is an independent publication and , unless otherwise clearly stated , its content implies no endorsement of any product or service . Opinions expressed are those of the writers .
PrimeTime est un magazine bilingue publié trimestriellement et distribué dans la région du Grand Moncton .
Tous droits réservés . Il est interdit de reproduire le contenu du magazine sans l ’ autorisation écrite de la maison d ’ édition . Imprimé au Canada . © 2012 .
Le magazine PrimeTime est une publication indépendante qui fait la promotion d ’ aucun produit ni d ’ aucun service , à moins qu ’ il n ’ en soit autrement mentionné de façon claire . Les opinions exprimées sont celles des auteurs .
On the Cover Sur la couverture
Senator Peter Harder and Senator Nancy Hartling at her swearing in ceremony at Parliament Hill last November . ( Senate of Canada photo )
Le sénateur Peter Harder et la sénatrice Nancy Hartling lors de son assermentation sur la colline parlementaire au mois de novembre dernier . ( photo Sénat Canadien )
This magazine is made possible largely through the hard work and dedication of volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to get PrimeTime into your hands , on behalf of the Seniors ’ Information Centre , with the hope that you will be both informed and inspired by its contents .
C ’ est grâce en grande partie au travail acharné et au dévouement de bénévoles qui œuvrent dans les coulisses que nous pouvons publier PrimeTime , pour le compte du Centre d ’ information pour personnes âgées inc ., et nous espérons que vous y puiserez l ’ information et l ’ inspiration dont vous avez besoin pour enrichir votre vie .
Rob Boyd , Chair / Président Steven Boyce
Paul Burns Karen Fullerton Rhea Gallant Tony Hebert Betty Hudson
Seniors ’ Information Centre Inc .
The mission of the Seniors ’ Information Centre is to meet the needs of senior citizens and their families by assisting them in accessing relevant information that will help them to lead more independent meaningful lives . The centre provides personal , knowledgeable advice both on-site and by telephone . The Centre also delivers free education sessions ( ex : healthy eating , crime prevention , medication safety ).
Centre d ’ information pour personnes âgées inc .
La mission du Centre d ’ information pour personnes âgées consiste à répondre aux besoins des personnes âgées et de leur famille en leur fournissant des renseignements pertinents pour les aider à améliorer leur qualité de vie et leur indépendance . Une personne serviable peut vous aider sur place ou par téléphone . Le Centre donne aussi des séances de formation sur une foule de sujets .
If you have a question and don ’ t know where to start – contact us .
Si vous avez des questions et que vous ne savez pas par où commencer , communiquez avec nous . telephone / téléphone : ( 506 ) 855-1121 or / ou 888-855-1121 site web site : www . seniorsinformationcentre . com email / courriel : executivedirector @ seniorsinformationcentre . com
New Address ! Nouveaux bureaux !
rue , 70 King Street , Moncton , NB
Rhéa Gallant
www . seniorsinformationcentre . com
The Seniors Information Centre Celebrates a Decade of Service to its Communities
It usually starts with “... just an idea ...” doesn ’ t it ? It all began with a group of seniors who wanted to do something that would benefit all seniors . The idea would be the Seniors Information Center ( SIC ) which opened its doors in 2007 and now celebrates its tenth year in operation .
The Seniors Information Centre is an independent registered non-profit organization with charitable status . It is overseen by a highly qualified Board of Directors that is truly dedicated to assisting the senior and caregiver population in the southeast NB . Over the years , many dedicated people have contributed their time and services to assist with the start-up and on-going support for this worthwhile organization .
The Centre would not have survived the challenges that
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Rhea Gallant , Coordinator
It ’ s happening ! are common for non-profit organizations without the contribution of those who participated in raising start-up funds , goods in kind and by volunteering . In this group we ’ ll find some of the current members of the Moncton Seniors Advisory Committee , the City of Moncton , Medavie Blue Cross , the Volunteer Centre of Southeastern New Brunswick , United Way of Greater Moncton and Southeast NB and Co-op Atlantic . Without the support of these organisations , the Centre would surely have faced closure more than once and it would have been a great loss to both seniors and communities .
We also wish to thank the Province of New Brunswick ; our PrimeTime magazine contributors and advertisers who support this print publication , the NB Senior Citizens Federation and the Government of Canada New Horizons for Seniors ’ grants that made our latest projects possible .
From its humble beginnings as a resource office , the Centre now has the infrastructure and capability of working with seniors in more remote areas and partner with other organizations for the betterment of senior ’ s lives and their families . It has maintained its commitment to ensure seniors have access to the most critical information they need when faced with life changing transitions . We do this through varied methods of communication including telephone , walk-in , print , video , audio , sign language , etc …
Although we are celebrating our 10th anniversary , our work is far from over . Over the next few months you will notice more changes to our website and upcoming YouTube video channel .
We are all part of a life continuum . In 2007 , we were all 10 years younger - today we are without any exception 10 years older so I would encourage younger adults to jump in and be an active part of this significant continuum . As a non-profit organization , the Centre will always need and welcome volunteers and financial support in whatever capacity offered .
If we ’ re aiming for optimum health as a state of positive wellbeing which encompasses physical , psychological , social and spiritual health , then let ’ s make sure we define our future through the contributions made today . Be part of this changing and living journey . I guarantee it will be amazing and insightful . It ’ s your future as well .
Rhea Gallant , Coordinator
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