On the Move!
En mouvement!
Paul Gaudet
A salute to autumn &
Rare Happenings at the
Hopewell Rocks
Greetings all,
sailing craft for that matter) to sail to or past the Rocks
would have been in September, 1986, when a French
sailor named Claude Bardiaux sailed by, on his way up to
Moncton and was forced to stay for the winter because of
tides and engine trouble.
The sailors from Australia were Mary and David Threlfo.
Mary is a paramedic and David is a helicopter pilot
instructor.They navigated the tricky waters of the upper
reaches of the bay with great success and said they were
interested in seeing the Bay of Fundy. They
read on the internet about the
Hopewell Rocks and decided to
visit. They also paid a visit to the
sea caves at St. Martins. Their
boat is called the Adventurous
The changing of much
(as well it might be). Mary and
of the green Summer
David were amazed at how much
colors to a kaleidoscope
attention was paid to them when
of Fall colours, the fresh
I explained how rare it was for
crackling air in mid-
a sailing vessel to be found on
David Threlfo pointin
October and November,
Shepody Bay specifically at the
g out his Aussie fla
the change in clothing
Hopewell Rocks. I escorted these
from shorts and t-shirts
intrepid sailors all over the ocean
to sumptuous more
floor and the trails at Hopewell
substantial clothing, like boots, light sweaters, leather…
Rocks and they were most impressed.
yes and even colourful flannel shirts. The sunlight is
Besides the thousands of
even different at this time of year and there is a particular
sailing vessels built on
sharpness to everything around you.
the Bay of Fundy, both in
Later in autumn, when hiking familiar trai