PRIMA Fall/Winter 2022 | Page 29

E T C C O N T E S T S F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 2 2




Connor Dunford

Connor Dunford
SCRIBO is a creative writing contest for students of Latin . Submissions are judged on adherence to theme , connection to Roman culture , originality , and choice of vocabulary , among other categories . SCRIBO entries that receive a perfect score will be published throughout the following year . Each entry features information about the author , a picture , and their awardwinning literary piece .
Student : Grade : Level :
Connor Dunford 10th Level 2
Category : Teacher : Title :
Short Story Dr . Michael Elliot Elephantus Callidus
Connor Dunford is a rising junior at the Toronto DSB Virtual Secondary School in Toronto , Canada . Connor loves learning about languages and history , and learning Latin has been a fascinating mix of both . About the piece : This story is about Hannibal ' s crossing of the Alps , from the perspective of one of the elephants . It has fairy tale-like elements , but it also includes many historical facts . My goal with this story was for it to be humorous and novel through its use of the perspective of an elephant in Hannibal ' s army , while at the same time being informative for the reader .
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