PRIMA Fall/Winter 2022 | Page 28

E T C C O N T E S T S F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 2 2

Cloelia ' s Famous Escape

Lydia Muniz
Olim erat puella Romana et fortis nominē Cloelia . Illa erat una obses ē multis , data Lars Porsenae , rex Etruriae , a Romanīs ut duae urbes pacem haberent .
Brevī temporē , Cloelia consilium fugae cepit .
Cum custodes nōn spectarent , Cloelia et aliquae ex alteris obsidibus in flumen Tiberim fugerunt et ad salutem in aliā ripā Romae nataverunt .
Tamen Romani rediverunt puellam et alteras ut cum Etruriā pacem servarent . Autem , Lars Porsena eam liberavit ab Etruscīs quod audaciam Cloeliae miratus est . Itaque , puella Romana et fortissima libera rursus erat .
Cum Cloelia intellexerit sē liberam esse , ea redivit Romam , referens alteros liberos qui obsides fuerant .
Once upon a time , there was a brave Roman girl by the name of Cloelia . That girl was one hostage out of many , having been given to Lars Porsenna , king of Etruria , by the Romans so that the two cities might have peace .
In a short time , Cloelia formed a plan of escape .
When the guards were not looking , Cloelia and some of the other hostages fled into the river Tiber and swam to safety on the other bank in Rome .
Yet the Romans returned the girl and the others so that they might keep peace with Etruria . However , Lars Porsenna freed her from the Etruscans because he admired the boldness of Cloelia . Therefore , the very brave Roman girl was free again .
When Cloelia learned that she was free , she returned to Rome , bringing back the other children who had been hostages .
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