Stephanie Krause , ETC Chair
Land Ho ! Excellence Through Classics successfully dropped anchor at the first inperson ACL Institute in two years ! Upon hearing the news that ACL would take place in person in the port town of Charleston , South Carolina , the ETC executive committee feverishly planned offerings including presentations , elections , volunteer social , and get-togethers .
Several of our committee members presented live sessions on early language learning in classics .
Nava Cohen , ELE Chair , co-led a collaborative Middle School Roundtable , where middle school teachers shared their challenges and triumphs with students during the year .
Additionally , Brad Savage , ETC Information Chair , co-presented a session entitled “ Low Prep NLE Resources for Busy Teachers ,” and Stephanie Krause , ETC Chair , co-led a presentation “ Embracing Our Differences : Reaching and Supporting Neurodiverse Latin Learners .” Finally , Traci Dougherty , ETC Past Chair , shared her insights into the past year with her presentation “ Teaching Post-Pandemic : Pearls of Wisdom .”
On the second day of Institute , ETC held its annual Open Meeting , which featured committee updates , the naming of award recipients , and amendments to the committee by-laws .
After tabulating election results , the ETC Executive Committee welcomed two new members to the leadership team that began in Fall 2022 : Kristin Webster as the new Communications Chair and Katy Reddick as the new Program Chair .
We look forward to more in-person interactions that will take place at the 2023 ACL Institute at Washington University in St . Louis , Missouri .
If you are looking for volunteer opportunities before attending Institute , please reach out to ETC Chair , Stephanie Krause , at
chair @ etclassics . org .
Charleston , South Carolina ( Getty Images )
Stephanie Krause ( chair @ etclassics . org ) is a middle school Latin teacher at McLean School in Potomac , MD . She received a Master ’ s in Classics from the University of Colorado Boulder and considers it her mission to show that great minds don ’ t think alike and we should celebrate the differences we all have .
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