Premiere Orlando Show Preview 2022 | Page 66

Paul J DiGrigoli Seminars featuring Paul J . DiGrigoli
Mastering Your Leadership
SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:00a • W223AB
There are more opportunities than ever before in our industry today , but to take advantage of those opportunities , you must be a servant leader ! Mastering servant leadership starts with you ! As owner of DiGrigoli School of Cosmetology and DiGrigoli Salon , Paul was the honorary winner in 2012-2015 for the “ Excellence in Education ” award from Modern Salon for outstanding school culture , community involvement , and innovative marketing . In 2016 , he was the NATIONAL award winner for “ Excellence in Education ” for outstanding school culture – Paul lives what he teaches ! Join him to learn how you can too !
For additional classes with PAUL J DIGRIGOLI SEMINARS > see page 79
Lacey LaRose
Fostering an Innovative Culture
SUNDAY 2:30 - 3:30p • W223AB


It ’ s a whole V . I . B . E .! Campus life is all about energy and it starts with YOU ! This presentation is all about how to be open and mindful of interactions with each individual interacting on the campus from the owner to the prospective student . It really is about the vibe !
V - Vibrant energy starts from the top and trickles down I - Inspire yourself and you ’ ll inspire others B - Breathe before interacting , create a mindful space for growth E - Educate and be educated , be open to learning
Motivating the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Millennials
MONDAY 10:00 - 11:00a • W223AB
Millennials aren ’ t lazy , they ’ re dreamers with entrepreneurial aspirations . While this generation may not be as socially savvy as others , they are by far the most resourceful thanks to google . In this presentation you will gain insight into how to communicate with this generation and learn how to be open to what they have to offer , trust me they have a lot to offer . These students want to make a difference and leave their mark on the world , that is noble and brave … do you ?
Ashtae featuring Dr . Trina Lowery Smith
It is Time to Teach
MONDAY 1:00 - 2:00p • W223AB
This course is designed to see if you have what it takes to be an educator . Even if you are currently teaching , this class will take you from being a good teacher to a great teacher . The world needs teachers !!! Let me help you be the best by detailing the 10 steps to becoming the teacher your students need .
For additional classes with ASHTAE > see pages 18 & 32