@ MrStateboard featuring Thomas James
Let ' s Keep it Short and Simple : State Board ... Who ' s Ready ?
SUNDAY 10:00 - 11:00a • W225
Getting your license WILL change your life ! As more states go to nationalized testing , all apprentices , students and instructors need to know what ’ s on the exams . Let Mr . Stateboard tell you what ’ s on them , how to take them and give YOU the information you need to get you your license !
A dual licensed instructor in both Cosmetology and Barbering , Thomas has seen a pattern across America of students having challenges with their State Board exams . His methodologies are always aimed at bridging the gap between an educator ’ s words and a student ’ s brain . He is the author of “ The Blueprint : Your Shortcut to Passing the State Board Exam .”
Salon Evolve Academy featuring Christina A . Dunbar
12 Ways to Prepare for Your Success
SATURDAY 11:00a - 12:00p l SUNDAY 2:30 - 3:30p • W225
Join Christina Dunbar in the amazing journey of one ’ s self . Gaining the ammunition needed to become a skilled and highly recommended leader in the beauty industry . Being a successful leader takes respect and regard of self , first . Learn the importance of developing a plan to help you achieve , grow and take control of your professional journey , as well as how to accomplish your goals .
Remember , “ YOU set the tone of self and of the business for your clients , and with your peers , and associates .” If you want to learn some basic practical approaches to help develop a successful plan to take action for developing a solid business foundation to build on for your success , this class is for you !
• How to develop a plan to help you achieve , take control , and accomplish your goals
• How to project a positive energy towards growth & enhancement
• How to develop a solid personal foundation to build upon your success Basic practical approaches to help you develop a working plan
Christina A . Dunbar is a Licensed Master Cosmetologist , Licensed Cosmetology Instructor / Educator , Pioneer Beauty Expert entrepreneur , and CEO of her own training academy – Salon Evolve Academy .
Haircutcombs . com featuring Ivan Zoot
The Roadmap to Beauty and Barber Career Success
SATURDAY 12:30 - 1:30p l SUNDAY 11:30a - 12:30p • W225
Beauty Cast Network featuring Penny Burns
How To Land Your Best First Job in Beauty , Barber or Wellness
SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:00p • W225
As a graduating beauty school student , we want to put all of the most relevant career resources at your fingertips . In this class , you will hear from top Beauty Companies that will share what they are looking for in new hires and bad habits that keep newly licensed professionals from being successful . Also , you can learn about new placement tools that will connect you to the best career opportunity after graduation . This class will help you reach your greatest potential as you are job searching and interviewing to land your best first job in Beauty .
Penny has been working in the Beauty & Wellness Industry for over 30 years prior to creating Beauty Cast Network . She was the lead executive of nine cosmetology schools for 20 years and Director of Advanced Education & Industry Relations for one of the largest beauty school chains in the country . Penny ’ s interactive approach to the industry goes well beyond being motivational : she brings lasting and transformational change to beauty & wellness professionals . She will inspire you to take your career to the next level and give you simple techniques to help you get started . In this class Penny shares her passion to help graduates CONNECT , GROW & ADVANCE in their chosen industry .
For additional classes with BEAUTY CAST NETWORK > see page 82
Cosmetology Exam Review featuring Theresa Miulli
Fundamentals of Formulation
SATURDAY 3:30 - 4:30p • W225
Just figuring out this crazy world of color formulation ? Totally overwhelmed and unsure of where to start ? Let ’ s chat . Join Theresa Miulli for a one-hour collaborative session where we dive into basic color theory , formulating like a pro , and how to tackle corrective color !
State Board Review
SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:00p • W225
Getting ready for your Cosmetology State Board ? Freaking out a little ? We know that feeling ! You have learned so much during your time at school it can be terrifying to figure out how to prep for that big written test ! Let us help ! Founder and CEO of The Intentional Classroom , Theresa Miulli , brings you 20 years of experience as both a stylist and a teacher , and is now offering you engaging , fun resources to help you prepare for your state board !
Join Theresa for a Cosmetology Exam Review blitz , where we will highlight and discuss major topics likely to appear on your written state board , while explaining some of the key concepts you will need to pass the test !
As a licensed Cosmetologist for over 20 years , with 17 years in Beauty , Spa , and Wellness education , Theresa Miulli is excited to help students prepare for their state exam . Offering innovative study resources and engaging You Tube content , Theresa thrives on helping students get through the ultimate goal – the state exam !
This is the way . This is the path . Let me show you the road you will travel to success in pro beauty . Allow me to point out the shortcuts . Want to steer clear of the potholes ? Gas up . Off we go .
Ivan Zoot is a licensed cosmetologist , barber , author , and YouTube personality . Ivan helps salon and barbershop pros build and grow their businesses . How can I help you ? Let ’ s get started !
For additional classes with HAIRCUTCOMBS . COM > see pages 25 , 32 , 82
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