YappyCarol featuring Carol Woodard
Imparting Knowledge & Skills with Staying Power
SATURDAY 12:30 - 1:30p • W223AB
Learn what makes a successful presentation ! Discover how to motivate your students to get to class on time , how to handle classroom distractions without becoming a bigger distraction , how to change the pace to keep your students involved , how to keep them motivated with focus and how to effectively use all four fundamentals of facilitation .
Coaching and Communication
SUNDAY 11:30a - 12:30p • W223AB
All successful teams have a winning coach . It ’ s time to take your already successful teaching techniques to the next level ! Discover when to coach your students , when to send them back into the game and most importantly , when , and how to celebrate their success .
The ABCs of Facilitation
SUNDAY 1:00 - 2:00p • W223AB
Inspiring your learners is an art and science which requires skills , knowledge , and a unique approach . Join International Educator and Author Carol Woodard as she shares pro tips and tricks on how to deliver your message with confidence , look your best and never let your class see you sweat . Present like a Pro !
Serve It Up !
MONDAY 11:30a - 12:30p • W223AB
We are hiring !
All registered attendees can enter Career Showcase for FREE .
Your success is your ability to motivate and develop your student in their newly chosen career . If they succeed , you succeed . Learn the keys to making a successful presentation while setting the stage for learning . You ’ ll discover ways to use the art of questioning to achieve the desired outcome while helping to build the students ’ confidence .
International Educator and author Carol Woodard is certified as a National Educator by the American Medical Certification Association , American Board-Certified Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner , and a member of the International Guild of Neuro- Linguistic Practitioners . Featured in O , The Oprah Magazine as an education expert , Carol is the author of two groundbreaking books , The Educator ’ s Diet : Teaching With 21st Century Recipes and Going Woodard .
Tyrik Jackson International featuring Tyrik Jackson
How to be an Effective Educator
SUNDAY 4:00 - 5:00p • W223AB
Join Tyrik Jackson , owner of Premier Barber Institute and sole proprietor of Sharper Image Barber Shops I & II to learn how to effectively teach whether in the classroom or on social media . Speak directly to your target audience of listeners with authenticity and conviction regardless of the platform . Tools you will obtain in this class is an introduction to school ownership , how to teach with clarity , becoming an impactful speaker and building a curriculum .
Prize Drawings throughout each day
For additional classes with TYRIK JACKSON > see page 85