Pratibimba 2019 Pratibimba 2019 | Page 21

k|ltlaDa Nature reflects our nature Beauty! If you think beauty doesn’t matter then why is it that a moth is swatted but a butterfly is adored? Is it not the plainness of the moth and the appeal of the butterfly that makes the difference? If you think beauty doesn’t matter then why is it that the stripes of a tiger draw in hundred and thousands of donations whereas endangered frogs and tarantulas go unappreciated? Are they any less important? If you think beauty doesn’t matter then why is it that the green spaces are filled with orangutans, rhinos and leopards whereas nobody talks about giant golden mole, blob fish and slugs? Is it not that they are less welcomed by viewers? If you think beauty doesn’t matter then why is it that the visually appealing creatures are given their own title as “charismatic faunas” whereas the ugly ones are not even acknowledged? Is it that the creatures that are not alluring useless? If you think beauty doesn’t matter then just have a look around you,member all your visits to the zoo, then maybe reality will come to you. Maybe then you’ll realize that not all are born to be cute pandas but some serve the purpose of an odd looking aye-aye too. Smritee Subedi B.Sc. Environmental Science 2nd year (Batch-2017) Oceans The ocean has forever been a symbol of abundance. This endless ocean knows no limits. The only limit it is familiar with is the imagined end you create in your mind which is merely just a mirage in your head. This provides a reassuring feeling that even though our eyes perceive the end to be near, our heart believes there is no ending. Lines like “you are the ocean of beauty” were perhaps created for ocean’s resem- blance of beauty, love, adventure and freedom”. The ocean is a magnificent body that soothes me like no other. The quivering maneuver during the silent dark hours and the serene agility during the sunshine hours easily complement to its contrasting beauty. I feel most at peace when I find myself in its vicinity. The ocean always gives me a warm feeling; the feel- ing a mother gets when she sees her son returning home after his first day of school or the feeling the same child has when he meets his mom after spend- ing a whole day without her in an unusual school en- vironment. The feeling is strong from both sides and it gets amplified with a warm tight hug. scribed beauty roots to me being a water sign, giving me a feeling of home; warm and secure. Hence, I can forever muse in its symphony and retreat in its ambience. However, a dismay to all this is the crisis we are fac- ing today which is ironic because this substantial cri- sis is what we led ourselves into. I, and so many other earthly beings take so much pleasure in myriads of ways just by wandering by the ocean. Therefore, it’s high time we thought about the harm that we have been causing to the environment or else ocean’s beauty to the generations to come might as well just be an imaginary story written by writers like us. Pallavi Pokharel B.Sc. Environmental Science 3rd year (Batch-2016) Free, adventurous, giant, placid and at times at the antonyms of such words, the ocean’s mysterious beauty is irresistible. My natural inclination to this de- Nature and Social Concern Society 21