Pratibimba 2019 Pratibimba 2019 | Page 20

k|ltlaDa Nature reflects our nature Importance of Conservation Education Growing up in the countryside, I spent my childhood collecting firewood and grasses, listening to the songs of birds and wallowing on the grassland. I was profoundly attached to na- ture and realized the intimate relationship of hu- mankind with it, which aspired me to work for its conservation. Travelling to different parts of the country and working with different communities, I delved into the life of the rural people and re- alized that biodiversity is closely linked with the livelihood and well-being of the local communi- ty. However, people are unaware of the impor- tance of forests, wild animals, and other natural resources. Furthermore, over the past few years, Nepal has experienced devastating climatic and non-climatic hazards thus threatening biodiver- sity and wellbeing of humankind. In addition, Nepal has become the easiest route for smug- gling wildlife parts to Tibet and people that are arrested for smuggling frequently make the cov- erage. It shows that people are oblivious about the importance of conservation, which strongly suggests a need for creating awareness from the grassroots level, work for educating children and youth today, so they could turn into individual conservationists in near future. Conservation Education is vital to tackle the en- vironmental issues today. We know that today’s children are tomorrow’s conservation leaders. However, today’s children are not as connected with nature as previous generations. If people do not have a connection to nature, they do not realize its value or feel a sense of responsibility for it and are less likely to take action to save it. I believe that every person should have regu- lar opportunities to connect with nature, so they value it, and take action to save it. If a child’s everyday activities directly or indirectly connect with nature, the more manageable will be their symbols. It is thus important to urge children and youth to understand and conserve nature and wildlife. Everyone should learn the role of each plant and animal in the ecosystem and discern the significance of its existence. Educating our children today to be a responsible citizen to conserve the nature is one of the most important works any of us can do for future gen- erations. Creating awareness by visiting youth clubs, schools, and colleges and encourage teachers and students to integrate conservation education activities in school curriculum should be done. In addition, it is necessary to engage students in practical aspects of conservation by communicating in-house and outreach conser- vation programs as follows. Jungle walks: Calculate the velocity of walk, iden- tifying trees, taught the importance of plants, and identifying butterflies. Children will touch, taste, and smell herbs and fruits, listen to the sounds of streams and the songs of birds. They will en- gage in physical activities like running across meadows, jump on the grasses, hide beyond the trees, collect the leaf litters, and soon.  Bird watching: Taught to use binoculars, iden- tifying birds, listening to the bird calls, identifying their salient features.  Zoo visit: Identifying animals and their behav- ior, being encouraged to take photographs, and asking each student to write what they have learned during their visit.  Encouraging students to start eco clubs in schools.  Encouraging them to minimize the use of plas- tic bags.  Celebrating wildlife weeks and conservation days: Conduct painting and speech competition.  Making bird houses and feeding birds at schools.  Encouraging them to plant trees at school and home. However, in Nepal it is challenging to demand conservation education in school curriculum as this concept is new and no school and colleges have prioritized conservation education till date. Therefore, it is necessary to develop suitable conservation education curriculum in supple- ment with the school courses. Manisha Parajuli Bsc Forestry, Hetauda Email:[email protected] Mobile no: 9849921634 Nature and Social Concern Society 20