Pratibimba 2019 Pratibimba 2019 | Page 19

k|ltlaDa Nature reflects our nature judged. • Maintain healthy and respectful relationship with people that you meet in all walks of life. • Explore and try for internship and short-term volunteer work during your semester breaks as such experiences will help you understand organizational functioning and paves the way for the next step in your career. • Apply for relevant training and short course to enhance your capacity in particular field. • Never give up and believe in yourself. Do not be afraid to experiment and break stereotypes. In conclusion, I would like to say that student life in college is one of the most significant parts of our lives when we start to explore our identity and gain new experiences. Since it is also the journey to our adulthood, one need to learn to think rationally, take responsibilities for the actions and work towards shaping the future well being. Anustha Shrestha Research Officer/Rapti Basin Coordinator Institute for Social and Environmental Transition-Nepal (ISET-Nepal), Lalitpur Batch: 2005 Manufacturer and wholeseller of Brass, Copper, white Metal and Tibetan Goods of your order Tangal, Lalitpur-12, Nepal Ph. No. 5531394 (workshop), 5553638(showroom) Mobile No.: 98510-50910 (Kabi) /9841-217330(Ravi) E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] URL: Nature and Social Concern Society 19