Nature reflects our nature
The great hornbill
nest trees include Tetrameles nudiflora, Diptero-
carpus gracilis, Cleistocalyx nervosum, Shorea
faguetiana, Hopea odorata, Neobalanocarpys
heimii, Mangifera indica e.t.c.Great hornbills diet
consist mainly of fruits rich in lipid of Lauracea
and Myristicacea families. They obtain required
water from their diet of fruits. These species also
take eggs, amphibian, reptiles, insects etc. Due
to its attractive body feature, hunting poses a
substantial threat to the species. Its predictable
behavior and regular visit to the same feeding
sites is easily targeted by poachers. This species
is highly prized for its fat which can be used in
various purposes including medical treatment to
gunpolish. A survey in north eastern India found
that the species is mainly hunted for food as well
as casque which is used as adornments by local
communities. A casque can fetch up to $90 in
northeast India. Loss of mature trees with cavi-
ties and scarcity of fruiting trees and other food
items have added additional threat to the spe-
cies. Some other threats include residential and
commercial development, logging, wood har-
vesting, and pet trade.
The great hornbill (Bucerous bicornis) also
known as the great Indian hornbill is one of the
larger member of the hornbill family. The most
prominent feature of the hornbill is the bright
yellow and black casque on top of its massive
bill which has made it important in many tribal
culture and rituals. The casque is hollow and
serves no known purpose but is believed to be
the result of sexual selection. Being the largest
member of hornbill family, its body size ranges
from 95-130 cm long with 152 cm wingspan and
a weight of 2.154 -4 kg .The great hornbills are
found in the forest of Bhutan, Nepal, Mainland
South-East Asia, Indonesian island of Sumatra
Some underway conservation action
and North eastern region of India. Their distribu- includes captive breeding in zoos, hornbill nest
tion extends into Thailand, Burma, Malaya, Su- adoption programs are implemented in Budo
matra and small feral population of Singapore.
Sungai-Padi National Park of Thailand and Pa-
kke Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh. Horn-
This bird is enlisted as vulnerable A3cd+4cd by bill festival is also celebrated in Nagaland as the
IUCN redlist category. It is listed in Appendix I Festival is named after the hornbill, the globally
of CITES. In the context of Nepal ,National park respected bird and which is displayed in folklore
and wildlife conservation act 1973 also lists this in most of the state’s tribes shows cultural impor-
bird as a protected bird of Nepal. The estimated tance in conservation. Nest monitoring and pro-
hornbill population is <500 in Nepal. The current tection program is underway in Kerala. Some of
population trend is decreasing and latest survey the proposed conservation actions include site/
shows 13000-27000 numbers of mature individu- area protection, population trend research, sys-
als globally. This species frequent wet evergreen tematic monitoring and increasing awareness
and mixed deciduous forests correlated with which also plays major role in conservations
density of large tree required for nesting. Some action. Jari, a captive hornbill in Jurong Bird
Park,Singapore was fitted a prosthetic 3D print-
ed bill after surgery to remove cancerous tissue
shows great step towards conservation.
Pratik Baral
B.Sc.Environmental Science
3rd year (Batch-2016)
Nature and Social Concern Society